Jan 19, 2009

[FANART]Soulmate@I'll give you the moon


T__T...sorry for the small size....photobucket ruined it....even so XD....lovable jaechun fanart...sorry please bear with me my fanarts love...:D

Credits: naver + jaechunsoulmate@blogspot.com

[FANVID]JaeChun || Soulmates forever(S4E)

Lovely fanvid made by mickyhero....if I wouldn't be a fan this one for sure could turn me into one.....I love especially the part where they are holding hands....I think I may have that fancam saved somewhere....enough with my nonsenses......enjoy.....

[OLDIES]Soulmate@Fighting Spirit of...ChunJae XD

XD....Chunnie trying to cheer up little joongie?...I wonder why he was upset....
now where did I saw that pose?....*thinks*