Jan 10, 2009

[SCANS] ARENA37℃ Magazine February 2009

yes this pic is more then satisfying for me XD..
I love the soulmate "touch me action"

since they look so great.like usually I'll post the other solo pics too...

[JaeChun Fanart]Happy Birthday

A Happy Birthday present I received last year from my dear friend Len. So all credits goes to her. Here is her livejournal: http://zerotrigeal.livejournal.com

Credits: as I said zerotrigeal@LJ + JaeChunSoulmate@blogspot(me for sharing)

More about this section. Like the JaeChun goldies i'll post it daily, weekly...it depends if I have what to share. Probably both sections may includ individual pics of these too.

Take care and have a nice day !

[JaeChun Goldies]Proud of Your Love

Lately I was listening a lot to Proud and it reminded me of these sweet jaechun pics I have forgotten somewhere in my folders. So far I posted more then one pic but I guess sometimes I'll post less.