Jan 26, 2010

[CAPS/INFO]YooChun's Cyworld update

I'm having here a little of an soulmate spazz by myself XD

It seems Yoochun uploaded his cyworld XD...I doubt that's him in the background ...lol...

우리모두의 자연스러움.


"all of our naturalness"
^ when he says our he refers to whom?..o_O?...lol...there could be a few possibilities right? XD

[ADD]Time is ticking! JJ's international forum

New international JJ forum *trows confetti*.
Click on the image bellow !

Everyone who e-mailed at soj_listing@live.com, thank you very much..
This is your present ^^
You may have already checked your in-boxes.
For the ones who didn't, here is the surprise~
Kim Jaejoong, happy birthday ^^

P.S: You have to sign up to view the board!

[PIC] 100126 Tohomobile: Jaejoong's Birthday


Credit: as tagged + HeyJJ
Shared by jaechunsoulmate@blogspot

[BDAY POST] JCS Hero Festival & Birthday!

Happy 24th (25th) Birthday to our the beloved half of our Yoochunnie---Hero Youngwoong Kim Jaejoong! XD Since most of us doesn't live in Korea let's bring Hero Festival into JCS!

Jaejoong Gallery

Credits: as tagged + soyoyujj + pepperjin2naver