Jun 21, 2009

[PICS]JaeChun@Subaru Press Conference

Credits: as tagged + DBSKnights + jaechunsoulmate@blogspot

an older event but these pics are love :)

[PICS]JaeChun@Backstage-The Secret code Live Tour

^ haha...JJ and his blowfish expression...got to love the parring look like pose...and please notice Chun's left arm behind JJ's right leg(hopefully he's reaching for JJ's waist XD)

^ I already posted a similar one but it was another pose...this one also has a larger size

^ T__T...guess he's nervous

^ poor baby...I wonder how is he able to sleep like that...he must be so tired...

^ at least we know they eat healthy

^ the news is that Chun is learning how to play the guitar...I thought Max was the guitar man...

^ I think that's Chun...beacause of the long hair..please know a bit from JJ's abs XD...take off that towel

^ did I ever mentioned how crazy I am about massage...

^ I see Chun has the same habit as Joongie...taking pics in weird possitions...I don't think it's JJ, I think is U-know(maybe he wants to blackmail him or something)....lol...but like I'm said I'm not sure...if you are better in recognizing the boys hands let me know...I still hope is joongie

^ by the way they said this is Joongie's hand..lol...a nasty mosquito dared to bite him...:P...grr...(*dreams to be that mosquito*)

^ good boys...you should always be sitting side by side...but I think that way they are not in the same team...but how should I know...I don't play cards...

Credits: toho official blog + DBSKnights + jaechunsoulmate@blogspot

[PICS]JaeChun@The Secret Code Live Tour

^I think, and probably most of you will agree that this is 100% pure soulmate love

^ this looks interesting too...reminds me of the last years tour's handshake from the (I think) Together performance

^ how sweet from you my chunnie :P

^ ok so I didn't payed to much attention to the way the rest of the members were dressed so I'm just hopping this is JJ's hand...maybe any of you here knows more

^ want a larger version of these...so let me know if you see them...

^ I already posted this one but I just notice they have similar(to me it looks almost the same) rings...also Chun is wearing a ring on his left hand...and it looks a lot like Joongies...just check the pics...also you see JJ's bracelet?...it similar/but not the same with the one Chun always wears...:P

Credits: as tagged + DBSKnights + jaechunsoulmate@blogspot

[PICS]YooChun@The Secret Code Tour - Part 2

click HERE to download the image set !

Credits: as tagged + baidu bar + DBSKnights + jaechunsoulmate@blogspot

Part 1 HERE!