Jan 12, 2010

[Tohomobile] 100113 Tohoshinki's Best Selection 2010 (Best Hits) Album Jackets Released

What can you say about them?

Jacket A / 2 ALBUMs+DVD

Jacket B / ALBUM+DVD

Jacket C / ALBUM Only

Credit: as tagged + DNBN
Shared by jaechunsoulmate@blogspot.com

[PIC/CAPS]Soulmate@Best off 2009! - JCS One Year Anniv!(Part 1 - Korea)

First off all I'm sorry for finishing this post so late. JCS turned one year on the 9th of January, however due to some reasons(you'll most likely find it out a bit later :D) I decided to celebrate it on the 11th yet the post is finished only now(still have to upload the rest parts too-most likely there will be 4-5 parts). This year was so full of Soulmate love, however I wasn't able to concentrate as much as I wanted on this blog. I apologize for that. So I hope you'll enjoy this selection as much as I do even if you follow this lovely couple for some time^^. If you're new to the fandom or just recently fallen over this lovely friendship *winks* I hope this will make you love them even more. I think there is no need for comments - all pictures speak for themselves but if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask :).

Happy first anniversary JCS ! ^^

Credits: as tagged + baidu + DNBN + naver + DBSKnights + SYC
Shared by: jaechunsoulmate.blogspot.com

* First off all I want to dedicate this post to Zam *hugs her* and then to the wonderful Sherry and JCS followers and lurkers and of course to our lovely Soulmates ^^)/
** Pics are of various sizes after you save them. Some moments are older but came out in 2009 :)