Jan 9, 2009

[Pics]JaeChun Sharing - Same Headphones

Some fans really notice everything. I'm already used to the fact that these too share lots of things. Seems that they share the same headphones too. Ok they may have 2 but we can spazz right?

Credits: as tagged + baidu + JaeChunSoulmate@blogspot


Anonymous said...

Wonder if they don't get their stuff by batch of two or something, just lately both got same shoulder-cushion (different color), same girly buckskin shoes (dif color as well), Ipod, beanies and stuff..

Anonymous said...

XD...I think they go shopping together...wait they said they don't have time for shopping....then maybe someone around them is a jaechun fan XD....or maybe they ask for the same things XD...

Anonymous said...

lol, maybe who knows. But the idea of someone's shopping for them sound plausible too, they must have selected them on catalog then go all: "Well, same stuff obviously, same seize but different colors so we can also switch later.kthx... and here the listing."

Anonymous said...

^ XD..we so think the same...*glomps*