Feb 5, 2009

[Trans](Fan Account)JaeChun@Hollywood Bowl 2008

It's said that Jaechun stayed in the same room and Jae was uneasy the first day, but the second day he felt okay.

Whenever he had time, JJ would go around for a walk and forgot to take the room keys with him so Chun who had to open the door felt annoyed.

At Carl's jr, an american fastfood restaurant: After finished eating, Chun put on his earphone. JJ suddenly wanted to take off Chun's earphone so Chun teased JJ and shoved the earphone to JJ and took it back quickly, letting JJ grabb the air. JJ did a little 'something' (sorry don't know what's that) a threaten, maybe acting spoiled, and after that Chun gave the earphone to JJ and the last one put his arm over Chun's shoulder, squeezing him.

Credits: hhzxlhf183@YT
Translated: zerotrigeal@LJ
Shared by: jaechunsoulmate@blogspot


ok it may not be so much....lol....but for sure is enough for me to spazz about. A dear friend of mine Meg shared her HB fan account with me and thanks to another dear frend of mine Len for translating the jaechun part for me. I can imagine the whole sceene in front of my eyes...

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