Nov 27, 2009

[ENG SUB + CAPS] 091126 JAECHUN + DBSK @ Miyaneya

Chunnie cheering up his Joongie...

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Can somebody get a priest?

Coupling? Junsu left out this time?

Or we'll make it a double wedding? ;-)

Pic credit:
Shared by jaechunsoulmate@blogspot


Anonymous said...

oh...JJ is taller?...I can be the priest if you want XD

about was that japanese program and su turned out to be the family's dog XD...the one always on good mood who give energy to all the rest...but the couples were a bit different XD

meatbun said...

the priestess is here! woooot~ we'll start the ceremony soon! LOL

ahh yes... the couples now are interchanged. *sigh*

btw, i hope you did well on the exam. X-D