May 28, 2010

[INFO] 100527 Twitter Accounts Used In The Drama Sunanare

On Episode 5, we can see clearly Haru's twitter username which was zoomed from Nakaji's cellphone:

Well what do you know, tweetpeeps actually FOUND Haru's actual twitter account:
Halu_moon (Haru)

Along with the other Sunanare-kai members' twitter accounts:

Doctor_26 (Paku-san / Doctor)
Linda_ism (Rinda)
NakaG4to (Nakaji)
peach_peachy (Peach)

Proof that they're valid acccounts? screencap of the Doctor's GPS while searching for Haru's location:

icons all matched ^^

T/N these are the accounts used IN the drama, i doubt these are used as the casts' personal twitter account ^^ but still, :w00t: *follows* hahaha

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