Jun 12, 2010

[GIFS] Soulmate Moments @ JYJ in Kyocera Dome

We all love the soulmate moments in the dome so...


Credits: phoebeltj + Jia@K9096 (video)
Shared by jaechunsoulmate@blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

Yoochun holding Jae's hand! That's so sweet~ ♥

Anonymous said...

touching, grabbing hand, hugging! Whoooaaaaa!!!!! finnaly we could see those actions again for real! I'm so happy!

@Nevi: Hi *is waving & running towards nevi* it's so nice to meet u again. even after these many years, guess that we still a jaechun lover afterall. Hahaha. *is hugging nevi*

Vavole said...

Thanks for these gifs! <3 *saving them all*

Mik Farias said...

That's gifs are really lovely ;)

Anonymous said...

^^ hey girls....glad to see you around here ^^....and thank you for commenting....comments makes me happy and thank you sherry for making these gifs *hugs you*