Oct 12, 2009

[TRANS]JaeChun@Steady Magazine

* I think this interview is a bit different then the ones ....like having a mature air...and I enjoyed it when they described how they met the first time and what they thought about eachother...and describing their relationship behind the courtains(I wanna know more about the between the sheets one XD)...I really loved when YC said they recently decided that they want to find true happiness...I want that for you too...;)....so FIGHTING!!...and becoming so close to someone is such an wonderful thing...so make sure you'll always tresure that...

* part 2 is a bit of another mood...JJ has an image of a player and YC is the shy one XD....talk about the big she again...interesting however.....again...JJ wants someone who talks less...let me think who would be that...ehm...YC?...he's not talking that much right?! XD...and JJ he's as cute as an angel ^_^ ...well about YC's answers...well he wants inner beauty but there shouldn't be any doubt that JJ is as beautiful inside as he's outside ^^...and YC....Paris is wonderful in winter....I've been there but you were too....together with our JJ ;)...well if any of you would be an girl you'd be perfect for eachother(or maybe it doesn't matter after all XD)...and about the last question...that won't be a problem I'm sure XD...so Jejunko say yes XD(sorry I'm still thinking about the Loving you Situation)

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