Dec 20, 2009

[VIDEO+LYRICS+TRANSLATION]THSK - Break Out! (3.15 Preview)

Credits: luvdbsk77@YT

surprise...a real surprise for me...toho boys did it again..XD..after I heard the preview I was afraid that this single would turn out be too pop-ish for me...but XD it just blown away my mind...of course in a good all of you here I can't wait for the MV and for the dance of course...really I can't find a possible way to get tired/bored of these wonderful five boys...I like the explosive tune, the beats and omg...yoochun's part...that's really this leads to a question...who wrote the lyrics, because we all love these lyrics, right?...and the most important part was sung in english so most likely every fan will understand it
I keep praying,
Don't forget it,
Baby, we keep the faith eternally!
thank you...sometimes I felt like I was about to loose the faith but if it will happen again I will listen to this XD.... is an art and art uses its various tools to express feelings, beliefs...a message to us fans...what better way convey their feelings?...the power, positive feelings passed by this songs are overwhelming...there is also something between excitement and beginnings ...break out...let's cross the purple line...XD

P.S: I'm still not liking the title...even if "Break Out"( from SM) sounds I listen to the song now sometimes it comes out know what I'm talknig about right?...but maybe it was meant to be like that...part of the plan, message?...maybe I'm just thinking too much...


meatbun said...

i'm liking this song even more! XD
we're Tohoshinki's babies! Wooooot~~~ (^__^)//

Anonymous said...

We'll also keep the faith, eternally~ <3